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Diverse Learning Environments



Our curriculum provides developmentally-appropriate learning opportunities to encourage your child to be confident, successful, life-long learners. The early years are critical to your child’s positive growth and development and they are eager to learn new skills, experience challenging opportunities, and be encouraged for their strengths and talents.


We ensure every child is receiving the creative learning experiences they require and that they are developing physically, intellectually, and socially. Our activities, games, and curriculum are all formulated to engage and your child’s natural curiosity and provide a foundation for lifelong success. Preparing your child to succeed in school and in life is the core of our child care curriculum.

We offer programs for children ranging from 6 weeks to 12 years old. If you have any questions about these programs, please feel free to contact us.




Our caregivers are dedicated in helping each child develop these skills through a trusting and loving relationship. A parental daily report is given to update each family on meal times, nap times, toilet training and all activities accomplished each day.


Our infant area provides the highest quality care in an environment that is designed with the parent and child in mind. While in our care, the children are stimulated through music, exercise, outdoor blanket time, facial and verbal mimicking as well as lots of hugs and tickles.



At this age, children are meeting new challenges as fast as they come. Crawling, walking and eventually running are levels they accomplish in what seems like a blink of an eye. Children learn best if they are in a stimulating environment. Music, stories, outdoor play, and learning simplicities envelop much of the day. Our caregivers are dedicated in helping each child develop these skills through a trusting and loving relationship. A parental daily report is given to update each family on meal times, nap times, toilet training and all activities accomplished each day. 

Learning to Read
kids with butterfly


A good preschool can make a huge difference is a child's future school years. We offer age appropriate programs for preschool children to help them learn in an environment that is nurturing and fun. At Milwaukee Learning Academy  we aid preschoolers in learning , numbers, colors, shape displays, as well as songs, rhymes, games and other suggestions for dramatic play, a book list, art and craft, math, science and language arts. . 



As children get older and more independent, they need new challenges. That’s why we offer a school-age program for before and after school care and enrichment programs that address the changing and more varied needs of growing school-age children. Reading, math, and science activities ensure that your child's mind is engaged and help create a lifelong love of learning and exploration.

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